Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tee-riffic: International Baby!

Goodness gracious I am feeling so blessed, so happy, so excited. Life is good and God is GREAT! So many of my dreams are coming true and I am just over the moon about it all. For some time but especially this year I have been dreaming about travel. I have been blessed with quite a bit throughout the United States. I've been to some places in Mexico and got my 1st and only passport stamp to date when I went to the Bahamas but my visions have been set on going International.

Next week is my birthday and I have gotten the loveliest gift. I have been booked to DJ in Malaysia!!! I will literally be DJing the night before my birthday and I can't help but feel that this is such a special gift. No need to worry, all of you are invited. I'll take you in my heart and be sure to capture as much of the goodness as I can to share with you. I am so intrigued with all of it. Everything about this trip will be new to me, I've never been on a flight that long, my lay over is in Hong Kong, the food, the currency, the sights, the sounds, I can't wait to drink it all in! Just thinking about it fills me up with giddy and I don't take off until Monday!

There was a time in my life when having a car seemed big, let along thinking about planes and passports and the world beyond L.A. As a very young mommy there were so many times I felt on the sidelines, many times I sacrificed for my family. Sometimes things are tough that's true but if there is something you dream about, keep going! Believe, always believe because you can and will do it. Open yourself up to the magic and blessings all around you. I promise you that there is a big heaping bunch of goodness with your name on it. So keep on reaching for it. I'm right here, cheering you on!

I would like to thank Johnnie Walker Malaysia for this opportunity. This Black Circuit event is going to be amazing! Find out more about it HERE. Below is my shout out to Malaysia.


Tony J. said...

Awesome, awesome AWESOME! And you are completely right about continuing to dream! Love ya!

Teemaree said...

Love you too! Thanks.