Sunday, June 12, 2011

29 Gifts, Day 18

1:04 am. Here we are real time at last. I usually wait until right before I go to bed to post my giving blog as that is when I consider my day to be over and all my giving to be done. Thank you so much for your readership. May we all experience and be great impacts on one another's lives. Blessings to you. <3

29 Gifts, Day 18June 12, 2011 at 1:00am

No intention today still I thought of giving, here's what I managed to do:

 Helped my apt. cleaning lady by throwing out some trash that was left by a tenant in an unexpected place.
Had hubby pull aside a car that was driving without their headlights so I could inform them.
Prayed for a persons good health when an ambulance came for a tenant in a neighboring building.
Gave my husband & room mate the gift of an easy way to copyright our material as we all produce original works. 
Gave lots of smiles and eye contact at everyone I could throughout the day.

Today was different in that I did not get the usual reciprocation as I normally do. A lot of people did not smile back or engage in eye contact. Still, aside from noticing it, it didn't matter to me and that I feel was a gift to me. :) I also received the following gifts today:

I confirmed the car focus group which will bring some money my way and I always appreciate that! :) I also got two great messages:

From the man who hired me to DJ last night: Thank you for the value and impact you had on the party last night. Jeremy was over the moon. He said his friends really enjoyed themselves. We know the family did, as showcased by his 87 year old grandfather on the dance floor. Honestly I was a little nervous about his pacemaker. See you next Saturday at Hillsides, 

& from my girlfriend who I sent the necklace to on Day 8: Hiya Soul Sistah' Thank you for the cross necklace, I wear it everyday. Thank you Tee' I Love You. :) Good things have been happening all week & its just the beginning.

I am grateful to be so blessed and I will strive everyday to be a blessing to others. Sweet dreams!

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