Monday, June 13, 2011

29 Gifts, Day 20!!! The Gifts Are On Me!

Here it is my milestone day! Thank you for reading. To purchase and read the book responsible for this movement, click here. To join this FREE amazing community and challenge, click here. May you be blessed in all you do. <3

29 Gifts, Day 20!!!! The Gifts Are On Me!June 13, 2011 at 11:48pm

Oh em gee, I can't believe today is my 20th day! Can I be honest? I stopped counting some time ago. Every time I put up a new post, I just check my blog to see what the day before was. Jeepers, had I known today was day 20, I would've done more. but then again, maybe this milestone day is what made it so magical...

At breakfast today our waitress gave us some delicious special cherries from a small farm near her mother's home in Fresno. That alone was a total gift and surprise but then she put some in a to go cup for us to take home! :D
A DJ gig I recently booked scheduled for July 9th had requested a special edited mix that I had agreed to do. Then their request turned into much more than specified. When I replied I reminded them of this but let them know I would do what I can to work this out for them asking them to be understanding with the finished product (it being way out of the scope of what was agreed upon) Today they emailed me both of the mixes, giving me a much easier way to satisfy their request. YAY! I love it when things go smoothly and easily!
Lastly, and this is a BIGGIE, I booked another national commercial!! This one is for Ford and will be shooting next week in Seattle! I am over the moon happy and excited. Praise God, praise 29 gifts, praise giving, praise all of you. 

I maintain that this experience truly is life changing. Whether I am blessed with tangible gifts or amazing feelings and connections, I am always blessed with something even when the farthest thing from my mind is getting anything for myself. 

As for my gives today, I purchased some scratchers (lottery tickets) for a gentleman I have been wanting to gift for some time. I took out the trash in our apartment (one of the chores I usually leave for the guys)  and I also bought dinner for my hubby. 

Prosperity, abundance, love, and connections to ALL of you. This is my wish. Forevermore. <3

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