Monday, June 20, 2011

29 Gifts, Day 26. I Can't Believe I Only Have 3 Days Left...

Time flies when you're having fun. xo

29 Gifts, Day 26 I can't believe I have 3 days left....June 19, 2011 at 11:56pm

Hello there friends, today's giving was centralized on my husband. He is a wonderful man and my best friend. Not to mention he also has been a great father to my children. It being Father's Day, and current relations with our children being what they are, I had to let him know how special he is to me and them. After all, I know they love and appreciate us even if they don't fully understand or express it yet. As I have been adjusting to my new daily life without my kids it has become clearer and clearer to me that they cannot possibly "know" what we provided or did yet. How could they possibly understand a love, commitment, and sacrifice like what a parent provides for their kids at this stage? They are just kids yet themselves. ;)

Anyway, today I presented my hubby with his card and took him shopping. It was what he selected from the options I gave him to celebrate the day. I chose breakfast and lunch for us, spent time with him watching TV here at home and made him a healthy dinner. All in all it was a stellar day. <3

I also shared a great interaction with a "stranger" at Macy's while paying for my husband's items. It was great to connect with the man (David) and his daughter. In addition I cleaned up the stall a bit when I went to use their public restroom. Nothing major just put all the trash on the floor in the corner of the stall with my foot. I also left the water running for the woman who was waiting to use the sink after me with soap on her hands. 

I have been getting so much from this beautiful challenge. I feel connected, happy, and at peace most of the time. I feel increased confidence and I find that I remember people's names a lot more than I ever have in my life. I used to think I just didn't have that great a memory, I would remember interactions and stories but not names. But now, I remember peoples names and I'm sure it is because this experience has taken me out of myself. There is so much freedom in that. I have also experienced so many material blessings. I feel so blessed and grateful for everything. 

I hope that all of you had a great weekend. Having you as part of this experience means so much to me. I look forward to our interactions every day. Thank you for taking this journey with me. I can't believe I'm already on day 26. Love to you.. goodnight. 

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